I beg of you, please release the apk demo, I've been checking everyday since Thursday last week when you said it would be released Friday last week ;-;
The Android version is for Oculus Quest 2 and 3, it will only work if you have your account configured as a developer to put games with the PC on the glasses
no you just need a pc to install it, and you need developer mode enabled. if you dont have a pc you could use a file explorer on app lab or an android device
Hola disculpa estoy teniendo problemas con la version para pc y mobil por alguna extraña razon se queda inmovil con una cancion de fondo podrian ayudarme?
If you see scam comments, don't believe them, we are simply inexperienced and with the help of multiple comments all the bugs are being fixed, it is our first VR game, each person's PC is a world, although for the amount of sales it has per day, few of those who bought it really complain, please, if you are going to buy this game make sure that your PC is not low-resource, since this game does not have graphical configuration.
We know it calmly, it has never worked badly for me, the first versions did, I think it is because of direct 12, if the game is with that, maybe many people will fail or crash because of that
Yes it is true that the game as such has bad optimization due to bad programming it has, the project was executed on multiple PCs of our team and that may have corrupted the project and some will work well and others not, anyway we have been working for 8 months on a new VR game making sure that it will not work badly and with the minimum errors, hopefully all bad things will end, because it really saddens us so much support and so many people waiting for things to be solved but every time we correct a bug another appears, we are really going to release another game soon, to compensate for all this mess we will put a free version of that new game, so you can see if it works well for you or not and thus buy the full game, so the mistake of this game is not made.
I'm fine with a 5$ vr game just being cutscenes (Though the "dlc" not being included is blatantly scummy) but the game performance is absolutely horrendous. If you are like me you tend to ignore people complaining about performance because 99/100 times it's usually not a problem at all. This is not the case for this game, it genuinely struggles to even start on my pc, and when it does it's so choppy you'll ask yourself why you aren't just playing a different game that you could probably make the same models in and have it run smoothly.
i've been burned too many times by this dev, each update the game performance gets progressively worse to the point where now it wont even start and crashes at launch. The very first version had promise. Sure it was a glorified animation viewer in vr but the animations were decent enough. Then update 1.3 happened and performance took a massive dip. Jittery and anti aliasing was awful. They also brazenly advertized DLC on their patreon that was not finished. Lots of "It's coming out soon guys!" over a series of months and the dlc finally releases only to be a on rails shooter with even worse performance. Flash forward to now at update 1.7 and it wont even start. They say on their patreon that they will release the next 2 games for free but at this point I'm not inclined to believe them. If you are really set on getting this game wait until they get their perfromance fixed before buying, or get the non vr version.
playable with ovr advanced settings + if u get black screened recenter by holding the oculus button if u cant move use play space drag in ovr settings instead (for pcvr)
for everybody asking questions on how to run the game (no I'm not a dev) have WinRAR installed on your computer and if it comes out as just a bunch of code put it into winrar and then extract it and put it into it's own file by clicking "new folder" when extracting then go into your steam launcher and hover over the games icon and click "add non-steam game to my library" be sure to go to properties and include it within your library if you have the deck you're done have fun, but if you have the quest go to the quest store and download the "steam link" app after you go through all that you'll be in the same place as the steam deck users. and if you don't have but have a quest first WHYYYYYYYYY!?!?! and you're kinda shit outta luck my guy I haven't figured it out lol.
Also no the scenes are not intractable if you haven't bought yet the controller movements are just in sync with the girls movements for aesthetic purposes I don't think it was directly malicious. If you've read this far care to give a poor lad an up doot so other people may find this
Don't buy this game, its a scam. The characters are not interactable as shown in the page. The game ran pretty poorly and the graphics were pretty bad. I played on the Quest 2 and it constantly crashed on startup unless i used SteamVR. You would be better off imagining the characters fucking you instead of playing this game.
But on the gifs on the store page implies that you can interact with them while the gameplay is nothing like it. Although it isn't a scam, the game pretty much isn't even close to being worth $5 with how bad it is.
This is basically a scam it runs poorly and is nothing like the images and videos displayed on the page. All models are static and the movement is glitched
Just so we're clear. The Puppet DLC is only available on the patreon on not on these recent updates. So because of that Im not able to access any of the puppet content? So if I want that content, I need to buy the Puppet DLC separately on the Patreon?
this game is a borderline scam do not buy it on itch if you want to get the game go to there patreaon because most of the images on this page are from the dlc witch even after buying the game on itch for 5 dollars you cant get unless you go to there patron which whould be fine if the game was free but besides that its just some animations which only half have sound and none of them have a cum animation there even more features that are also locked behind early accuses like circus baby and the main story and from what i have read from other comments it dose not work on quest and finally the movement mechanic doesn’t work i basically had to walk to the doors to get the animations so if your in a small room your fucked
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I beg of you, please release the apk demo, I've been checking everyday since Thursday last week when you said it would be released Friday last week ;-;
windows version doesn't seem to work at all?
me2 ...
I did the 1.7 PC and i cant move staring in the black. How do we move?
Will the apk demo be released soon?
just which is the correct version.. i installed so many all crashed and cant open at all.. btw mine is pico 4 using steamvr
How does the android version work?
The Android version is for Oculus Quest 2 and 3, it will only work if you have your account configured as a developer to put games with the PC on the glasses
so i need a pc to play it?
no you just need a pc to install it, and you need developer mode enabled. if you dont have a pc you could use a file explorer on app lab or an android device
My issue is that it doesn't load when I got to play it, it just loads infinitly.
bro if you look into more the tapes theres tapes!!
Hola disculpa estoy teniendo problemas con la version para pc y mobil por alguna extraña razon se queda inmovil con una cancion de fondo podrian ayudarme?
para moverte o emèza un modo de juego seleccionalo tocando con la mano, y para moverte usa el jostyc izquierdo y apunta donde quieras moverte
will an demo of the apk version be made?
Yes, we want to release it this Friday.
any news on this yet?
It's Sunday now, when is this coming?
Are there any plans to make this work for the Vive Headset?
Unfortunately we do not have a Vive Headset on our team, if anyone sees this comment and it works on a Vive Headset, we would appreciate your help!
if you really want to play on vive without a supported version you can manually set up the controls in the settings of the pcvr app you use
If you see scam comments, don't believe them, we are simply inexperienced and with the help of multiple comments all the bugs are being fixed, it is our first VR game, each person's PC is a world, although for the amount of sales it has per day, few of those who bought it really complain, please, if you are going to buy this game make sure that your PC is not low-resource, since this game does not have graphical configuration.
We know it calmly, it has never worked badly for me, the first versions did, I think it is because of direct 12, if the game is with that, maybe many people will fail or crash because of that
Yes it is true that the game as such has bad optimization due to bad programming it has, the project was executed on multiple PCs of our team and that may have corrupted the project and some will work well and others not, anyway we have been working for 8 months on a new VR game making sure that it will not work badly and with the minimum errors, hopefully all bad things will end, because it really saddens us so much support and so many people waiting for things to be solved but every time we correct a bug another appears, we are really going to release another game soon, to compensate for all this mess we will put a free version of that new game, so you can see if it works well for you or not and thus buy the full game, so the mistake of this game is not made.
Why does the pc standalone version not work?
the drive is running into some issues with the download
any plans to make a apk so it can run natively on meta quest?
there is one, you just need to install it to your headset.
I'm fine with a 5$ vr game just being cutscenes (Though the "dlc" not being included is blatantly scummy) but the game performance is absolutely horrendous. If you are like me you tend to ignore people complaining about performance because 99/100 times it's usually not a problem at all. This is not the case for this game, it genuinely struggles to even start on my pc, and when it does it's so choppy you'll ask yourself why you aren't just playing a different game that you could probably make the same models in and have it run smoothly.
SCAM do NOT buy this game it's just some poor ugly cutscene
What's the name of the song in the DLC?
i've been burned too many times by this dev, each update the game performance gets progressively worse to the point where now it wont even start and crashes at launch. The very first version had promise. Sure it was a glorified animation viewer in vr but the animations were decent enough. Then update 1.3 happened and performance took a massive dip. Jittery and anti aliasing was awful. They also brazenly advertized DLC on their patreon that was not finished. Lots of "It's coming out soon guys!" over a series of months and the dlc finally releases only to be a on rails shooter with even worse performance. Flash forward to now at update 1.7 and it wont even start. They say on their patreon that they will release the next 2 games for free but at this point I'm not inclined to believe them. If you are really set on getting this game wait until they get their perfromance fixed before buying, or get the non vr version.
I wish it was more interactive and not like watching a cutscene
Why Can't i Buy This Game?
SCAM download Waifu Simulator, better and free, it's just some animated models
playable with ovr advanced settings + if u get black screened recenter by holding the oculus button if u cant move use play space drag in ovr settings instead (for pcvr)
gimme my money back scammer
want my money back
why is there no quest/andriod apk
because you run it on pc and use oculus link, it allows every vr headset to run it without having to make it all again for the quest
Are there change logs anywhere for 1.7? does it add anything other than a map/menu overhaul?
I honestly wish I could tell you, update 1.7 just crashes on start up for me.
All this is, is 3d porn. I bought it thinking that there jiggle physics in it
for everybody asking questions on how to run the game (no I'm not a dev) have WinRAR installed on your computer and if it comes out as just a bunch of code put it into winrar and then extract it and put it into it's own file by clicking "new folder" when extracting then go into your steam launcher and hover over the games icon and click "add non-steam game to my library" be sure to go to properties and include it within your library if you have the deck you're done have fun, but if you have the quest go to the quest store and download the "steam link" app after you go through all that you'll be in the same place as the steam deck users. and if you don't have but have a quest first WHYYYYYYYYY!?!?! and you're kinda shit outta luck my guy I haven't figured it out lol.
Also no the scenes are not intractable if you haven't bought yet the controller movements are just in sync with the girls movements for aesthetic purposes I don't think it was directly malicious. If you've read this far care to give a poor lad an up doot so other people may find this
my suggestion would be to release it for steam
why no android version ?
same problem there is no ( .APK ) version
crashes on startup on VR
how do u walk
Don't buy this game, its a scam. The characters are not interactable as shown in the page. The game ran pretty poorly and the graphics were pretty bad. I played on the Quest 2 and it constantly crashed on startup unless i used SteamVR. You would be better off imagining the characters fucking you instead of playing this game.
But on the gifs on the store page implies that you can interact with them while the gameplay is nothing like it. Although it isn't a scam, the game pretty much isn't even close to being worth $5 with how bad it is.
We are working hard for the big update and new game modes, stay tuned on 10/07/2024
how to run on VR?
Can you play the new content without vr?
This is basically a scam it runs poorly and is nothing like the images and videos displayed on the page. All models are static and the movement is glitched
hola soy nuevo y quiero decir que si el juego se puede jugar en una pc 32 bits
Just so we're clear. The Puppet DLC is only available on the patreon on not on these recent updates. So because of that Im not able to access any of the puppet content? So if I want that content, I need to buy the Puppet DLC separately on the Patreon?
Okay, the games settings default look likes its running on a potato, can't find the setting to increase it, anyone know the solution?
this game is a borderline scam do not buy it on itch if you want to get the game go to there patreaon because most of the images on this page are from the dlc witch even after buying the game on itch for 5 dollars you cant get unless you go to there patron which whould be fine if the game was free but besides that its just some animations which only half have sound and none of them have a cum animation there even more features that are also locked behind early accuses like circus baby and the main story and from what i have read from other comments it dose not work on quest and finally the movement mechanic doesn’t work i basically had to walk to the doors to get the animations so if your in a small room your fucked